
Tanning Beds Can Damage Your Skin

Tanned bodies are a staple of some peoples’ summers, but your skin care professionals might want you to reconsider! Frequently tanning your skin – whether naturally or in a tanning bed – actively damages your skin cells and could even lead to the most aggressive and deadly type of skin cancer, melanoma. One of the […]

Sunscreen Tips For Healthy Skin

As spring showers start to give way to warmer, sunnier days the clothing layers start to dwindle, but a new important layer must take their place: sunscreen! Skin protection from damage caused by ultraviolet rays must be a summertime priority. Each year, over 200,000 cases of melanoma – the deadliest type of skin cancer– are […]

Get a Good Night Sleep For Your Skin

As life gets busy and hectic, sometimes we find ourselves staying up later and later just to stretch the day out as long as possible and complete every task. This can be detrimental to not only your mood but also the health of your skin! Good sleep boosts your mental health and can provide major […]

4 Ways Exercise Can Help Your Skin

We’re finally shaking off winter and getting into some seriously sunny spring weather here in New Jersey – what a great time to start a new exercise routine! You often hear about how exercise benefits your heart, or your body, but did you know it’s also incredibly beneficial to your skin? For example, regular exercise […]

Getting Back To Your ABC’s To Detect Skin Cancer

Having a new mole or spot pop up on your body can be unsettling! Should I get it checked? Is it skin cancer? Luckily, if you catch skin cancer early, your chances of squashing it with minimal complications are much greater than if left alone. That’s why it’s important to know all about detection and […]

When To Get An Adult Rash Checked Out

When you search around for rash information online, you get lots of hits on children’s eczema or cures for diaper rash, but adults get rashes too! Conditions such as blisters, hives, and itchy, red splotches are all common issues associated with rashes. It can be nerve-wracking when a skin issue like this arises. That’s why […]

Why Am I Losing My Hair?

Losing your hair can be stressful enough to make you want to pull your hair out! When you notice it coming out, especially in large amounts, clogging shower drains or discovered on your pillow each morning. Typically, hair loss occurs in men more often than women (it’s even dubbed “male pattern baldness”), there are tons […]

Vitamin D Is Essential For Your Skin

Even as winter wanes, New Jersey is still covered in cloudy spring skies, blocking out that life-giving sun and dampening our vitamin D intake! Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that can be in short order during the winter and early spring months. The vitamin not only keeps your skin young and vibrant; it also […]

Planting Our Foot On Plantar Wart Treatment

April is National Foot Health Month, and as dermatologists, one of the most common foot issues we encounter is plantar warts. Many people look at plantar warts as something that will just fade over time or “take care of themselves,” but these unsightly, often painful issues need a professional touch. Warts are never something to […]

How Does Stress Affect Our Skin?

April is Stress Awareness Month, and we here at Old Bridge Dermatology know how much stress can affect your overall body health, including the health of your skin. With all of the things we do every day: getting the kids to school, remembering every task at work, juggling the bank account, and so on and so […]