Skin Care

Fun With Home Facials

So-called experts recommend that you get a pricey facial every month, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give your skin a perfectly fine facial in the comfort of your own home. By following these easy steps, you can enjoy a fantastic treatment at home that will leave your skin glowing and healthy. Steps to a […]

Your Skin Needs Vitamin D

One of the major causes of the winter blues is not getting enough vitamin D. This essential vitamin is often referred to as the sunshine vitamin, and it is so much less plentiful this time of the year. It not only helps your skin maintain its youthful shine, but also helps to support your immune […]

5 Natural Dry Skin Treatments

Many store bought skin care products contain potentially harmful chemicals, but, fortunately, eliminating harsh chemicals from your skin care treatment can be easily accomplished with a variety of natural ingredients, many of which you may already have at home. Regularly moisturizing your skin the natural way helps hide fine lines and gives your skin a healthy […]

Skin Complications Caused by Diabetes

Diabetes causes high levels of blood sugar that result in damaging effects in every part of the body, including the skin. In fact, the skin is one of the first places that symptoms of diabetes first exhibit. Some of the common skin complications associated with diabetes include: Infections from fungi and bacteria—Diabetes causes a decreased […]

5 Face Washing Tips

Washing your face properly and regularly is one of the best ways to avoid skin problems and to help treat some of the skin conditions that develop before they become more pronounced. While washing your face can be a simple and effective process, avoiding some common mistakes can make a big difference in the health […]

Taking Care of Your Skin During Hectic Holiday Traveling

Whether you are traveling by plane, bus, car, or covered wagon to see your family and friends over the holidays it can be an utterly demoralizing and debilitating experience. But who wants to show up at grandma’s without a healthy glow With some careful forethought, you can make holiday skin care during your travels an […]

What Your Skin Says About Your Health

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, so it has a lot to say about your overall health. Not only does your skin protect you and help with temperature maintenance, but it also acts as a barometer of other health conditions that are not directly related to your skin, nails, and hair. Some […]

Skin Cancer Warning Signs

The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma, with millions of incidents reported every year. As with many skin cancers, it is most often detected in areas of the skin that experience frequent sun exposure, like the face, ears, neck, and shoulders. Skin cancer can run in families, and people with fair […]

What About Dry Skin?

We covered oily skin a couple of weeks ago, so what about dry skin you may be asking? There are a multitude of therapies and products purported to fight dry skin, but in reality, what works is often the simplest and least expensive methods. Some very effective ways to combat dry skin include: Natural products—In […]

Some Low Cost Skin Care Tips

The skin is the largest organ on your body and requires considerable care to maintain a healthy glow, but it can be difficult to come up with a skin care regimen that is cost effective when one considers all the expensive products being marketed and promoted by celebrities and skin care experts. Here are some […]