Month: October 2019

Preventing Skin Issues For Athletes

Along with athletic activities can come a myriad of opportunities for skin issues, bacterial or fungal infections, or other issues to arise. With all the sweating, physical contact, and shared spaces that go with sports, these skin problems can spread rapidly. Many of our clients are athletes who have issues that could potentially be prevented […]

Am I Sweating Too Much?

Sweating is a natural bodily response that assists with cooling down, especially when we’ve been working hard or on a sweltering summer day. Have you ever felt like you sweat too much? Everyone sweats a different amount, but if you consistently think you sweat too much, you might have a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. When […]

Delicious Fall Meals For Healthy Skin

You can pretty clearly mark Fall by the changing leaves and the uptick in pumpkin-flavored foods on grocery store shelves. Fall brings a barrage of fresh, festive flavors that are not only delicious but also – luckily for us – can be rewarding for our skin. We all know that you can buy sunscreen, moisturizer, […]

Cleansing Your Face The Right Way

Many of us are cognizant of putting our “best face” forward. Keeping your face clean and clear is one of the best ways to treat and prevent several common skin issues. This daily face washing routine might seem like a simple process that doesn’t need a step-by-step instructional layout, but there are many factors that […]

Common Tests At The Dermatologist

Checking in with your dermatologist feels like a common routine when you have a known skin issue, but often skin, hair, and nail complications can take extra testing for a solid diagnosis. A skin test could literally be the difference between life and death. For instance, dermatologists utilize testing methods to determine the difference between […]