Month: March 2020

Try These At Home Facemask Treatments

Being stuck in the house doesn’t mean you have to skip your skincare or even some skin pampering! At-home facemasks and facials are great ways to give your skin a nice, healthy glow without breaking the bank (or even needing to go to the grocery store!). You can create a great facemask with ingredients that […]

Stress Can Damage Your Skin

With all of the uncertainty floating around the world right now, there are lots of reasons to feel stressed. Stress obviously affects your mental health in numerous ways. Did you know though, that stress can affect the health of your whole body, including your skin? Stress manifests in our bodies in interesting ways and can […]

Why Do My Products Have ‘Active’ vs. ‘Inactive’ Ingredients?

Why Do My Products Have Active Vs. Inactive Ingredients? It’s important to pay attention to what is inside your skincare products, but it can also be confusing. There’s a myriad of products on the shelf and the labels of those products are often chockfull of words that are impossible to understand, much less pronounce. Another […]

Can Hard Water Damage Your Skin?

Did you know that nearly 85% of homes in the United States have tap water that’s considered “hard water?” Hard water has a high mineral content, usually calcium or magnesium carbonates. While it’s typically safe to drink, hard water can lead to other issues like tub stains and high water bills. It can also impact […]