Month: October 2017

Skin Cancer Warning Signs

The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma, with millions of incidents reported every year. As with many skin cancers, it is most often detected in areas of the skin that experience frequent sun exposure, like the face, ears, neck, and shoulders. Skin cancer can run in families, and people with fair […]

Keeping Your Hair Healthy

Your hair needs special care. There are many ways you can minimize the damage caused to your hair by the effects of excessive drying and nutrient depletion that often results from the frequent use of common hair care products. Robust, healthy hair can be easier to sustain with the following methods: Hair washing technique—When shampooing, […]

What About Dry Skin?

We covered oily skin a couple of weeks ago, so what about dry skin you may be asking? There are a multitude of therapies and products purported to fight dry skin, but in reality, what works is often the simplest and least expensive methods. Some very effective ways to combat dry skin include: Natural products—In […]

Some Low Cost Skin Care Tips

The skin is the largest organ on your body and requires considerable care to maintain a healthy glow, but it can be difficult to come up with a skin care regimen that is cost effective when one considers all the expensive products being marketed and promoted by celebrities and skin care experts. Here are some […]