Month: December 2016

Essential Vitamins for Your Skin

There are many ways to treat your skin from the outside, but nourishing your body from the inside can greatly improve the health of your skin, hair, and nails. Find out which vitamins are important for keeping them healthy! Vitamin A – Vitamin A is responsible for helping with skin maintenance and repair, which can […]

Holiday Travel Skincare Kit

Are you getting ready to travel for the holidays? Packing is usually a tedious process when it comes to choosing your toiletries. You don’t have the space for all of your skincare products and make up when traveling, so what should you pack to make sure your skin can stay healthy and happy? The following […]

Eczema Care During the Winter

As snowfall and dry, cold temperatures arrive in the New Jersey area, many people experience changes in their skin. One common condition that tends to worsen in the fall and winter is eczema, which causes dry, scaly, itchy skin. This chronic condition, which is especially common in children, worsens as a result of drier conditions […]

Alopecia Areata: Hair Loss

Losing hair is usually a natural process of aging, but there are certain conditions that can cause hair loss from an early age. People who have alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease, may experience different types of hair loss due to the body’s immune system attacking the hair follicles. Alopecia areata typically manifests as hair loss […]

Treating Damaged Winter Hair

Do you feel like your hair is suffering this season? Are you hiding your hair under hats and scarves? The dry and cold weather can be damaging and create unruly static electricity, but with these simple tips, you can regain luscious healthy hair. Reduce shampoo – Washing your hair frequently can dry out your scalp […]