Month: July 2016

Treatments for Age Spots

Despite the fact that aging is a natural process that we all go through, it can be disheartening to see the physical changes that occur over the years. One common change in skin is the appearance of age or liver spots. These brown or black round blemishes appear in areas most exposed to the sun, […]

Dangers of Tanning Beds

When people think of summer, many people immediately think of hot days, beaches, and tanned skin. Although having a tan is often portrayed in a positive light, from a dermatologist’s perspective, tanned skin equals damaged skin cells that could potentially lead to melanoma, the most severe type of skin cancer. One popular yet dangerous practice […]

All About Moles

Moles are very common and we all probably have anywhere from 10 to 50, maybe more for those who are fair-skinned. They are usually round, one color, and do not change significantly in color, shape, or size. Usually moles are nothing to be worried about, but sometimes they can be an early indication of skin […]

Treating Acne Scars

For many people, treating acne can be a long and stressful process, but the inevitable scarring that is left can also be a source of concern. The skin takes time to heal, so it is normal for skin to exhibit changes in color and texture following the treatment of acne. For those who want to […]