Month: November 2017

Avoiding Acne

The scourge of teens everywhere, acne is perhaps the most common dermatological condition that is caused by hair follicles becoming clogged by dead skin cells. Adults also suffer from the stigma of acne, and it often takes the help of an experienced dermatologist to develop an appropriate regimen for each particular case. Some lifestyle changes […]

5 Different Kinds of Psoriasis

The skin condition known as psoriasis occurs from an autoimmune dysfunction that results in the excessive growth of epidermal cells into dry, scaly patches of red skin. While the cause is not completely understood, it is known that psoriasis is related to deficiencies in gene interaction with the immune system. Some of the triggers that […]

Why is My Hair Falling Out?

When you notice that your hair is falling out more and more, and can be unnerving experience to say the least! While hair loss occurs in men more frequently than in women, the other reasons for hair loss other than gender can run the gamut from being hereditary, to being caused by poor diet, diseases, […]

Rash Warning!

Much of the information we read about rashes is related to young children regarding skin conditions including diaper rash and eczema. However there are a variety of possible skin conditions that produce rashes largely in adults and they present with burning skin, bumps, hives and sores. Some issues are more problematic than others, so here […]

My Child Has What?

Molluscum contagiosum! It sounds like an incantation from Harry Potter, and as the name suggests, this is a highly contagious skin condition. If you haven’t been drinking your pepperup potion lately, the virus that causes this unsightly outbreak will create hundreds of tiny, waxy, flesh colored bumps with a lovely dimpled center on your skin. […]