Month: February 2017

Best Foods for Healthy Hair

When you go to a store, there are endless options when it comes to hair products that all claim they can do wonders and lead to healthier hair. However, sometimes the best way to achieve healthy, strong hair is to enrich it from the inside out by eating foods rich in nutrients. Find out the […]

Tips for Teen Acne

The teenage years can be a particularly emotional and sensitive time and developing acne can often become a source of anxiety and stress for many young people. Acne is extremely common during puberty as the body goes through hormonal changes, and fortunately, there are many treatment options available. Aside from seeing a dermatologist who can […]

Natural Home Remedies for Dry Skin

There are endless options when it comes to moisturizing products for your skin, but buying product after product can get expensive, and it can be challenging if you are looking to minimize using unnecessary chemicals. Luckily, there are simple ingredients you can use to naturally hydrate your skin. Moisturizing your skin can help reduce dryness, […]

Treating Acne During Pregnancy

Aside from the obvious growing bump, the female body undergoes many incredible changes during pregnancy. Although we often hear about a pregnant woman’s healthy glowing skin, the surge of hormones throughout pregnancy can also cause skin conditions like acne. Treating acne during pregnancy requires careful consultation with a dermatologist, since typically prescribed medications cannot be […]