Month: February 2016

Tips for Preventing Nail Fungus

Nail fungus, the infection of the nail caused by fungus, is a common condition that can be embarrassing and difficult to cure without proper treatment. With the New Jersey cold winter weather, many people are forced to stay bundled in layers and thick, warm socks all day. Warm and moist environments like your feet and […]

Tips for Healthy Hair

This time of year when the air is cold and dry, do you notice that your hair doesn’t look or feel healthy? There may be steps in your hair care routine that may be contributing to excessive dryness or damaged hair. Here are some easy tips to help you achieve strong healthy hair: When washing […]

Common Skin Conditions in Children

One of the most unsettling occurrences as a parent is to discover a strange rash, bump or welt on our child’s body. Is it a disease? Is it contagious? How should it be treated? Oftentimes the conditions will go away with time, but many require the skilled eyes of a dermatologist to identify and treat […]

Dandruff vs. Dry Scalp

We’ve all seen the commercials: someone suddenly notices white flakes on the shoulder of his or her dark clothes, and then you see the dramatic embarrassment and horror. A dandruff shampoo is recommended and then they become flake-free. Thanks to these commercials, we are very familiar with dandruff and how to treat it. However, it […]