Common Conditions

Caring For Your Eczema During The Winter Season

The dry cold weather during winter in New Jersey can worsen already frustrating skin conditions. One of these skin conditions is eczema. Eczema is a chronic skin condition that causes dry, scaly, itchy skin. It’s especially common in children but can affect anyone. Eczema flare-ups can be caused by allergens, skin irritants, stress, and a […]

The Condition of Your Nails Shows Your Overall Health

Many of the health issues we confront over our lives often first show up as an adverse condition in our skin and nails. Potentially deadly diseases like lung and heart problems, as well as fungal infections and skin lesions, will always show indications that a trained dermatologist will be able to detect and correct, thus […]

Dermatologists Treat a Wide Variety of Conditions

If you have any condition involving the skin, scalp, or nails, then your dermatologist is the one to see for the most comprehensive diagnosis and treatment protocols. Your skin care and hair specialist is well versed in the detection and treatment of skin diseases, infections, lesions and cancerous tumors. Make an appointment today for the […]

Dermatitis May Be Caused by Poor Blood Circulation

If you are experiencing any problems with your blood circulation then you may be more likely to encounter a skin condition called stasis dermatitis. Having poor blood circulation usually doesn’t affect you until you get older, but you should always be aware of how important your fluid flow is to your overall health. Stasis dermatitis […]

Warts and All

It’s really not necessary to ever feel the anxiety associated with finding small, fleshy bumps on your skin. Warts are a very common skin condition that affect many people. They are caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV, which is a very ubiquitous virus. Warts are contagious and appear commonly on the face, hands, and […]

Skin Complications Caused by Diabetes

Diabetes causes high levels of blood sugar that result in damaging effects in every part of the body, including the skin. In fact, the skin is one of the first places that symptoms of diabetes first exhibit. Some of the common skin complications associated with diabetes include: Infections from fungi and bacteria—Diabetes causes a decreased […]

Plantar Warts Cause Foot Pain

If you’ve never had a plantar wart before, the first time can be quite disturbing because you often cannot see the actual wart since it is frequently completely covered by the skin on the bottom of your foot, and it may cause extreme pain and discomfort. These warts are caused by the human papillomavirus which […]

Avoiding Acne

The scourge of teens everywhere, acne is perhaps the most common dermatological condition that is caused by hair follicles becoming clogged by dead skin cells. Adults also suffer from the stigma of acne, and it often takes the help of an experienced dermatologist to develop an appropriate regimen for each particular case. Some lifestyle changes […]

My Child Has What?

Molluscum contagiosum! It sounds like an incantation from Harry Potter, and as the name suggests, this is a highly contagious skin condition. If you haven’t been drinking your pepperup potion lately, the virus that causes this unsightly outbreak will create hundreds of tiny, waxy, flesh colored bumps with a lovely dimpled center on your skin. […]

Skin Cancer Warning Signs

The most common form of skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma, with millions of incidents reported every year. As with many skin cancers, it is most often detected in areas of the skin that experience frequent sun exposure, like the face, ears, neck, and shoulders. Skin cancer can run in families, and people with fair […]