Month: September 2018

4 Vitamins That Help Your Skin

Your skin can be pampered and nourished and treated from the outside, but there are several vitamins that are essential to the inside of your skin that you should be getting plenty of in your diet. The 4 vitamins that help your skin the most are: Vitamin A—This amazing nutrient is found in leafy greens, […]

How To Avoid Skin Conditions While Playing Sports

Participating in school or other athletic activities leaves you open to contracting skin and nail diseases and infections. These problems can be minimized by using mostly common sense ideas to avoid the spread of contaminants in the athletic environment. Sharing spaces with other sweaty, dirty people will increase the prevalence of bacteria and other microbes […]

Different Methods for Treating Age Spots

We all experience aging at different rates, and some people tend to have more skin spots than others as they get older. Skin spots are usually brown, black, or red. The spots tend to show up on the face, hands, arms, and shoulders which are areas that are most often exposed to the sun. While […]

Signs That You May Have Skin Cancer

Skin cancer affects over three million people every year, and while some forms of skin cancer are benign, meaning they are not cancerous, other types are highly carcinogenic. Basal cell carcinoma is one of the most aggressive forms of potentially deadly skin cancer. This carcinoma is caused by excessive ultraviolet light exposure from the sun […]