Month: March 2018

Stress Causes Many Skin Problems

With the lack of jobs, incessant bills, and the difficult future we seem to be heading toward as a society, stress is an inevitable part of modern day life. It affects us in many deleterious ways. One of the most common examples that stress can have on your body is when it shows up on […]

Why Do I Sweat So Much?

Production of sweat is normal for our bodies in order to cool off after physical exertion, but many people are susceptible to excessive sweating all the time in a condition called hyperhidrosis. Sufferers of this condition sweat even when their bodies are at rest or not in any need of chilling. Not only can hyperhidrosis […]

Fun With Home Facials

So-called experts recommend that you get a pricey facial every month, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give your skin a perfectly fine facial in the comfort of your own home. By following these easy steps, you can enjoy a fantastic treatment at home that will leave your skin glowing and healthy. Steps to a […]

The Best Treatments for Nail Fungus

Dermatologists frequently treat patients suffering with nail fungus, and the most frequent occurrence is in the toenails. Fungal nail infections can be one of the most difficult conditions to treat for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the organisms called fungi that are responsible for this infection love the dark, warm and moist […]