Month: January 2018

Proper Winter Nail Care

Our nails tend to get much drier and more brittle in the winter months. Keeping your nails healthy and strong while battling the cold, dry winter air can be a challenge, but fortunately there are some steps you can take to keep your nails protected from the elements. Preventing the loss of moisture from your […]

The Bumpy Skin of Keratosis Pilaris

Many skin conditions can worsen or develop in response to the cold weather of winter. One of these conditions, keratosis pilaris, is characterized by tiny, red or brown bumps that can appear on your thighs, buttocks, cheeks and upper arm areas. This condition is caused by dead skin cells clogging the hair follicles and can […]

5 Face Washing Tips

Washing your face properly and regularly is one of the best ways to avoid skin problems and to help treat some of the skin conditions that develop before they become more pronounced. While washing your face can be a simple and effective process, avoiding some common mistakes can make a big difference in the health […]

Proper Care for Winter Hair

The cold, dry weather is here, and along with it comes some major problems for your hair! You can help keep your hair luscious and healthy this winter season by following some simple tips: Avoid excessive heating of your hair—Your hair is already dried out enough from the extreme weather, so don’t make the problem […]