Month: August 2016

Thinning Hair in Women: Female Pattern Hair Loss

It is common to see advertisements and information on male hair loss, but did you know that women can also experience progressive hair loss? Although females may not lose all of their hair like some men, 40% of women report visible hair loss by the time they are 40, which makes female pattern hair loss […]

After Sun Care

Sunny, hot summer days are perfect for spending time at the beach, pool or an outdoor gathering with friends and family, but the exposure to the sun can often lead to unintended sunburns. Sunburns can result in red, sore, itchy skin, blistering, and even nausea from overexposure. These symptoms can be uncomfortable short term but […]

What is a Skin Tag?

As you age, your skin can change in many ways. You may notice more moles or other bumps and wonder what they are. One common growth that appears is a skin tag. What is a skin tag? A skin tag is a benign growth of skin that typically appears in areas with folds of skin […]

What is Rosacea?

Redness and uneven skin tone on the face is a common concern for many people, but did you know there is a condition that could be the cause? Rosacea is a skin condition that usually appears on the face as redness, pimples, enlarged blood vessels, or frequent blushing. Although the cause is unknown, rosacea affects […]