Month: April 2016

Seeing a Dermatologist for Hair Loss

It can be unnerving to notice that your hair is thinning or shedding excessively. Hair loss is a common problem, especially in males, but can occur in women and children as well due to a number of reasons. These may include hereditary hair loss and other hair disorders, improper diet or hair care, hormonal changes, […]

Types of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune illness that results in excess skin cell growth that manifests most commonly as red, dry, scaly patches. Although the cause is not clearly known, the interaction between certain genes and the immune system are thought to be related to its development. Psoriasis usually flares up in a small percentage of people […]

How Athletes Can Prevent Skin Problems

When you are involved in an athletic activity, there are many opportunities for skin conditions and infections to occur. Sweating, shared spaces and physical contact are all things that can aggravate or spread skin problems. However, there are many ways to prevent problems like athlete’s foot, folliculitis, and other bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Wash […]

Sunscreen 101

With winter officially behind us, many of us are daydreaming about spring and summer getaways that are coming up. These may involve warm, nice weather with lots of sunshine, which means sunscreen is an important product to be using. Although many people skip sunscreen during the winter, it is actually a year-round necessity in order […]