Month: January 2016

Tips for Preventing Acne

Acne is the most common dermatological condition in which dead skin cells and oil clogs hair follicles in the face and other parts of the body. It is most common in teenagers, most likely due to hormonal changes, but many adults suffer from acne as well. The first step in managing acne is to see […]

Tips for Battling Dry Skin

This time of year when it is cold and windy outside and dry inside, many people suffer from dry skin. There are plenty of products that claim to repair dry skin, but it is difficult to tell what really works, and sometimes that is not enough. Here are some effective ways to help battle dry […]

5 Common Conditions Dermatologists Treat

When people hear dermatology, many think of acne, but dermatologists diagnose and treat many types of conditions related to the skin, scalp, and nails. Acne is the most common skin disease and affects people of all ages. It is usually seen on the face, back, neck, and chest, and occurs when oil and dead skin […]

Why See a Dermatologist?

Our skin is the biggest organ of our body and has the important role of serving as a protective barrier between our bodies and the environment. Since the skin covers your entire body, when you develop a skin irritation or problem, it can spread quickly and lead to more issues. Our hair and nails are […]

Welcome to Our Blog

We at Old Bridge Dermatology are happy to introduce you to our blog! Dr. Juan G. Vaillant and his friendly staff are committed to providing patients in the Old Bridge, New Jersey area with quality dermatological care. We offer a variety of services to treat and prevent all types of skin and nail conditions including […]