Month: July 2018

But What About Adult Rashes?

We often hear about diaper rashes and eczema that usually occur in youngsters, but you don’t hear as much about rashes in older folks. Skin rashes are associated with a multitude of inflammatory conditions including blisters, sores, hives, and itchy skin. Knowing when to go to your dermatologist is really determined by the severity of […]

Your Skin Needs Extra Nutrients in the Summertime

There are a lot of methods available to protect and treat your skin from the outside environment, and this is considerably more important in the summertime when the sun is hot and your skin can get easily dehydrated. Nourishing your body from the inside can hugely improve the health of your skin, hair, and nails. […]

Acne Can Scar Your Skin

Properly treating difficult acne can be a complicated and stressful undertaking, and for many individuals there is, unfortunately, the often inevitable scarring that is left behind. This scarring is frequently the cause of more concern than the original acne condition, but there are many options available to treat acne scars. Although it is normal for […]