
Contact Us To Treat Contact Dermatitis

A mystery rash popping up on your skin can feel frustrating, embarrassing, terrifying, and a whole myriad of other emotions. Typically, this happens when your skin comes into contact with something that it greatly disagreed with. The dermatologist word for these blisters, stinging, itchiness, redness, or flaking popping up is “actinic contact dermatitis.” It’s a […]

7 Tips For Chapped Lips

Winter has a firm grasp on the New Jersey area and its chill causes one of the most frustrating ailments: dry, chapped lips. There’s so much advice out there about how to heal chapped lips, but wouldn’t you rather not have to deal with them in the first place? As with many skin ailments, prevention […]

Treat Your Skin Right During Holiday Travel

Traveling for the holidays can be a huge stressor: Getting the kids ready, making sure you have all the presents packed, planning for meals, it’s enough to make you break out in hives! But wait, skincare is important even when you’re on the road or in the air. No matter what transportation you’re taking to […]

Do I Have Dandruff Of Just a Dry Scalp?

In commercials, dandruff is regularly depicted as a dramatic, horrifying, embarrassing experience – often caught due to an individual’s flaky shoulders. Those commercials typically end in a cheery party scene where the person is revealed to be flake-free after applying the proper dandruff shampoo. Those commercials have entered our collective zeitgeist, making people incredibly familiar […]

Gentle and Natural Oily Skin Treatments

Oily skin can be a pain to deal with, and the endless shelves of products at the pharmacy can be a confusing headache to choose from. Your skin turns oily when the glands right under the surface of your skin produce excessive amounts of sebum. Normally sebum is a healthy secretion, but when too much […]

Treating Eczema In Cold Weather

You can pretty well count on New Jersey winters to bring a few things: cold temperatures, lots of snow, and dry air. For a lot of people, these harsh weather conditions bring about unfortunate consequences for their skin, including worsening of conditions like eczema. Eczema is a common condition that causes dry, scaly, itchy skin. […]

Caring For Your Nails In Cold Weather

Cold weather seems to change every aspect of our bodies, including our nails. Do your nails become dry and brittle during the fall and winter? Cold, dry weather is definitely to blame! Luckily, we are here to help teach you ways to keep your nails healthy, strong, and protected through every cold snap! As with […]

Packing For Your Skin For Holiday Travel

Traveling for the holidays can be so stressful – planning the itinerary, getting the kids ready, making it on time, remembering what to pack. I’m sure just reading that was stressful to some! We’re not here to stress you out more though, we’re here to help! One area we can help take the guesswork out […]

Preventing Skin Issues For Athletes

Along with athletic activities can come a myriad of opportunities for skin issues, bacterial or fungal infections, or other issues to arise. With all the sweating, physical contact, and shared spaces that go with sports, these skin problems can spread rapidly. Many of our clients are athletes who have issues that could potentially be prevented […]

Am I Sweating Too Much?

Sweating is a natural bodily response that assists with cooling down, especially when we’ve been working hard or on a sweltering summer day. Have you ever felt like you sweat too much? Everyone sweats a different amount, but if you consistently think you sweat too much, you might have a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. When […]