How To Care For a Newborn’s Skin

Every process of raising a new baby comes with about a million questions, including skin care issues: How do I bathe this tiny slippery being? How often should I bathe them? Should I use moisturizing products? What if they get a rash? The list goes on and on! As skin care professionals, we here at Old Bridge Dermatology are here to help ease your woes and answer your questions. Read on for some useful skincare tips for your new baby.

Bathing your baby:

  • Frequency – two to three times a week in a lukewarm bath is best for a new baby. You might up the frequency in the summer months if your baby is prone to sweating. Too many warm baths can dry your baby’s skin out.
  • Products – for the first several weeks of a baby’s life, water is the only thing needed to rinse their body. A bland or mild shampoo is best to wash the hair. Look for the labels “free and clear” and always check the ingredients!

Moisturizing your baby:

  • Frequency – after bathing is always a great time to moisturize. Babies don’t mind being a little extra moist, so even a couple times a day can be good for their skin.
  • Products – a great, cheap, easy-to-find moisturizer is unscented Vaseline. Aquaphor is another great option. You could also use a mild, unscented lotion.

Handling skin issues like diaper rash:

Diaper rash is an overgrowth of yeast that is usually caused by too much moisture and skin irritation from urine and feces. It can come on quickly, so it’s best to be prepared. As with many skin issues, prevention is the best treatment method! Here are a few ways to prevent and treat diaper rash:

  • Keep the diaper area as dry as possible
  • Use extra absorbent diapers
  • Change diapers more frequently
  • Change your brand of wipes
  • Use a skin barrier or diaper rash cream
  • Check in with your dermatologist if diaper rash persists!

Parenting can be tough! We’re here to take the guessing out of taking care of your baby’s skin. If you’re looking for a dermatologist for anyone in your family, Dr. Juan Vaillant here at Old Bridge Dermatology is your best bet. With over 30 years of experience, he can address any skin, nails, or hair issues you are dealing with. To schedule an appointment at our convenient Old Bridge, NJ office, call us today at 732-679-0222.