Face Washing: Common Mistakes

Keeping your face clean is one of the most important ways you can prevent and treat skin problems. Washing your face may seem like a simple process, but there are a number of factors that can make a difference for your skin health. Read about the common mistakes and what to do to avoid them!

  1. Washing only once a day – Debris and oil can build up on your face during sleep, so a good cleanse in the morning, before bed and any time after sweating will keep your face clean and fresh. Using water to rinse off products are usually less irritating than using wipes.
  2. Not knowing your skin type – Does your skin tend to get oily or dry? Maybe your T-zone is oily but the rest of your face tends to get dry? Knowing your skin type is essential in picking the right type of cleanser. Oily and acne prone skin can benefit from a foaming cleanser to completely remove excess oil and debris. For dry or sensitive skin, a gentle hypoallergenic cleanser can help prevent irritated skin.
  3. Choosing cleansers with fragrances – Cleansers with fragrances may smell good but can be irritating to your skin, so choose ones that are hypoallergenic, and fragrance and preservative free.
  4. Using the wrong temperature – A hot shower may feel good on your skin, but hot water on your delicate face can be damaging to your skin. Using tepid water, or slightly warm water can give you a comfortable cleanse.
  5. Not moisturizing – One of the most important steps when washing your face is to apply a moisturizer after drying. A moisturizer acts as a protective barrier, and helps to retain moisture to prevent dryness, itchiness, and wrinkles.

Avoid these mistakes and you may find improvements in your skin health! For specific issues or concerns, consult with our board-certified dermatologist Dr. Juan Vaillant at Old Bridge Dermatology. Dr. Vaillant treats common skin, hair, and nail problems like acne, dandruff, hair loss, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and nail fungus. Contact our office in Old Bridge, NJ at (732) 679-0222 for an appointment!